Self Empowerment

The Future?

Every year 20,000 parents find out their child has Duchenne muscular dystrophy. It was a known possibility for some families, and others – like my family – are caught completely unaware. Unfortunately, muscular dystrophy families do not have a monopoly on the grief of a child with a disability. In the disability community, far more…

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Prepare for 90 at 20

There are very few things that humans cannot control, overcome, or at least influence.  We can build dams on rivers, create lakes, control, and put out forest fires. We have even found ways of overcoming gravity.  However, there is one thing we have not learned to control, and that is time.  Even if we could…

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Leap of Faith

Faith is an often misunderstood concept. When people hear the word faith, they tend to think of religions where an individual believes in a supreme being of some sort. However, people do themselves a great disservice by thinking that faith is only religious. Faith in one’s self is perhaps the most significant asset any individual can attain in life. As children, we were full of faith; a child has faith that when an adult puts their hands out and says, come over here,” they can walk to them.

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